Yesterday LegalWorks held a roundtable discussion for general counsels, regarding the very much current topic of Brexit. Discussions were about the aftermath of Brexit – the consequences of either a “soft” or a “hard” Brexit, how it will affect GC:s in their work, and how best to prepare for something that really yet is uncharted waters.
All participants contributed to the dialogue from different points of view, making it an extremely interesting and engaging discussion containing topics such as market access issues, supply chain risks, data privacy and other regulatory risks. Everyone was very generous in sharing their own ideas and structure for the preparation, facilitating in helping the other participants see all aspects.
A special thanks to our wonderful panel: Johan Ottosson (Business Sweden), Anneli Wengelin (Kommerskollegium), Andreas Eka (Kommerskollegium) and Fiona Satterly (British Embassy).
Keep your eye out for LegalWorks next roundtable event, and what interesting subjects we will bring to the table then.