LegalWorks - Changing the legal game

Hyr en bolagsjurist

Vi erbjuder flexibla lösningar för bolagsjurister

LegalWorks gruppen

Legal Operations

Maximizing your legal team’s ability to perform through process optimization and digitalization.

Hyr en bolagsjurist

Access to interim lawyers, project lawyers or outsourced solutions.

LW Advisory

The modern and flexible way to handle your company’s need for legal support

Nordic Legal Tech Day

The leading Nordic event about the transformation and digitalization of the legal industry


The online go-to-place for high quality and affordable legal support to start-ups and small and medium sized companies


Praktisk vägledning till GDPR. Affärsorienterat stöd för utmaningar och möjligheter inom dataskydd.

Förstärk ditt juridiska team med exceptionella talanger

Interimjurister, projektteam eller en komplett juridisk avdelning, roller inom Commercial, Corporate, Compliance eller DPO.
Staff augmentation at its best where we source from our pool of highly skilled and experienced lawyers.

Louise LegalWorks

"Som det ser ut nu går saker bra och jag har inga planer på att gå tillbaka till att vara anställd".

Louise Wendel
Senior Legal Counsel, Legalworks

"Att kombinera den variation man får som konsult med friheten som egenföretagare är oslagbart i min värld".

Fredrik Haglund
Senior Legal Counsel, Legalworks
Fredrik LegalWorks

Därför ska du bli en del av oss!

Kommande event

October 10, 2024

Nordic Legal Tech Day - "Early Bird" tickets out now!

Join us in celebrating our 10th edition of Nordic Legal Tech Day with an amazing agenda of inspiring speakers. What started in a small conference room in 2015 has now grown into a pan-nordic event.

Plats: Posthuset, Stockholm

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